How I Study for Exams

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I guess it’s a little late to be writing this post as finals season has essentially ended, but I hope that this post helps you in some way this semester. I will be talking about how I study for my final exams because we all know how much content there is to understand for final assessments and doing so can be quite overwhelming at times. Personally, this past finals season was incredible stressful for me and I felt so overwhelmed at times. I’m just so glad that it’s over and I’m totally ready for the new semester to begin in which I will apply what I learned this semester.

  • Begin compiling your study notes as early as possible

Have all your lecture notes, readings and any other notes put together, in some sort of binder / folder, way in advance of the time during which you wish to begin studying. Doing so will ensure that once it’s time to study, you won’t be wasting time and procrastinating finding your notes but rather getting right down to studying. I’m guilty of compiling my notes really last minute and then having to rush when studying, but the few times I have taken this advice on board proved to make my studying experience rather relaxing (surprisingly).

  • Take regular breaks

Have a set time to take breaks (i.e. 45 minutes of studying then take a 15 minute break). Obviously this is easier said than done, but if you consciously make the effort to stop what you’re doing at the 45 minute mark, and do something that you genuinely enjoy during the 15 minute break, be it watching some YouTube, reading a book, eating a snack, getting a short workout in, it’ll make a world of a difference when you get back to studying.

  • Have snack(s) & water with you when studying

I’ve found that having to get up from studying to go and get some water / something to eat can be quite distracting and it may take you some time to get back into that studying mode. So have a snack / water bottle handy before you start studying. I usually have a granola bar and some ice cold water, these two things just help me concentrate.

  • Understand concepts, don’t memorize details

This tip depends on what you’re studying for, to be quite honest. But when it makes sense to understand greater concepts rather than details, go for it. Although it may take longer to understand concepts, it helps so much in the long run. Once you understand the concept, the little details will just come together. This piece of advice is probably the most useful advice I’ve ever gotten during my university career thus far. 

And that’s all I have for now. I will periodically add to this list once I come up with more tips that seem relevant, so keep coming back to check. Hope this post helps in some way!

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Author: El

Hi there, I'm El! I am currently in university studying history and criminology. I absolutely love coffee, photography, blogging, hiking, and reading. I take a lot of pride in ensuring my blog is of high quality and that the content is something that people will genuinely enjoy reading. Please leave a comment on any one of my posts, I truly appreciate it!

18 thoughts on “How I Study for Exams”

  1. Love these tips, especially the last one! I think that details are important but its better to remember overall things instead of the nitty gritty! Wish i had these kinda tips when i was taking exams x

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I am past the giving college exam period. But definitely good tips, can help in any exam like situations like preparing for technical interviews for people like me 😊 One thing that I liked to do during studying is keeping the phones on silent so that nobody disturbs the studying😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think we study for exams quite the same way. I especially love the last tip, it’s sooo important to understand the concept and general scope of what you’re studying. Now for me I also need to understand and memorize the details just because they are often asked about on tests, but that’s the next step, concepts are first & most important!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I find understanding concepts to be one of the best tips. Recently I sat a Science exam, and when faced with the question ‘What is a gene’, (the topic of the exam), I was stumped. I’d memorised all these details and hadn’t learnt the concept!! Concepts definitely help you remember the details easier, too.
    Abby –

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh my gosh I think I am going to bookmark this post. I get exam anxiety soooo bad, which leads to me being so overwhelmed and discouraged when studying. Your points about snacking and basically remembering to EAT haha and being organized is so important. Thanks for this post! ❤

    Nikki O.

    Her Daring Thoughts

    Liked by 1 person

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