My Study Essentials

I thought it would be fitting to write a post about my study essentials while I’m actually studying for my midterm exams! My last one is tomorrow, and I’m spending today studying for it! The following list of my study essentials is in no particular order!



My laptop is totally essential for when I study. Although it can be quite a distraction, I use it for Spotify and to review lecture slides from my classes. Sometimes I have to just switch it off and put it to the side when I start to procrastinate.



Most important material for studying are my notes! I take notes (as pictured) based off the lectures and the slides that my teacher uploads. I try to keep my notes as organized and straight-forward as possible because doing so makes it so much easier when it comes time to review and get ready for exams.


I make short pointers / big concept notes using my 0.38mm Muji pens. I try to keep as many coloured pens on hand for when I need to just add a little colour to my boring notes!


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Mildliner highlighters are heavenly! I highly recommend buying them, if you haven’t done so yet. I’ve had them for more than a year now, and I use them regularly, and not one of them has lost all its ink yet. They’re absolutely fabulous. I highlight key terms and their definitions in my notes, so I can remember to pay close attention to them (since these terms are almost always on my exams).

Sticky notes

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Sticky notes are imperative for when I forget to write something in my notes. I don’t like whiting-out my writing because it creates such a mess, and ruins the aesthetic of the notes, so I just take a sticky note, write down the point I missed from the lecture slides, and stick it right onto my notes. Doing so keeps things clean, colourful and easy on the eyes.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post! What are some things you just can’t live without when studying?

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