The Versatile Blogger Award

Hi! I’m SK, co-author at Exclusory. I’ve been nominated for an award. Specifically, the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you Pae for the nomination. It truly means a lot. Please check out her blog whenever you have the time!

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When you are nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award, you must obviously thank the blogger who nominated you with a link to their blog, nominate fifteen other bloggers to partake in this post and share seven facts about yourself. So, let’s get started. 

Some facts about SK:

  1. I’m in grade 11 right now.
  2. I started to dislike school this year because it’s gotten so hard.
  3. I would LOVE to live in Switzerland at some point in my life.
  4. I enjoy movies more than TV shows because I don’t like stories being stretched out. That’s not to say I don’t like TV shows at all, though.thin
  5. I’m a really boring texter.
  6. I love fries in all forms.
  7. I love gloomy weather so much. I wish it was always cloudy.

Now, I will nominate fifteen of my favourite bloggers. I nominate:

  1. Rafia
  2. Judanna
  3. Mary
  4. Hebah
  5. Carly
  6. Kirsty
  7. Kayla
  8. Dominique
  9. Katie
  10. Faye
  11. Caitlin
  12. Fiona
  13. Erica
  14. Shaiz
  15. Kris Marie

I cannot wait to read all your posts! Be sure to check out their blogs too. Until next time! 

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